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Fractured Angel (The Fall Book 2) Page 4

  "I'm not paying for shit. That was you lot paying for losing Brutus and keeping it from me. That's the kind of thing you tell a person. Francis loves that dog more than me, so you better hope that he isn't fucking dead," I volley, stepping closer to Devon when Asher takes a menacing step towards me before thinking better of it.

  Before I can continue to berate him, Noah's timid voice filters to my eardrums. "We're sorry we didn't tell you, Luna. We thought we were sparing you more stress and grief if we kept it from you."

  I really wish he wouldn't steal all my anger like that. But it's Noah, and I'm finding I can't even stay mad at him. One look at his honey-colored eyes, and I'm a goner. Damn it all.

  From the floor, Eli whimpers and says, "We really didn't mean to upset you, Flower. We were acting like really good guys who did the wrong thing but for all the right reasons. You know, like they do in the movies or some shit?"

  Devon snickers, and I work really hard not to laugh. This isn't fair. They kept something important from me. I have a right to be pissed about it for longer than they've allowed me to be even if they were trying to do the right thing.

  Rolling my eyes, I turn back around and storm up the stairs, not really feeling the anger I deserved to feel since those jerks ruined it. As I'm stomping up the stairs, I hear Devon say, "So, for future reference, I'd like to be excluded from anything you guys do that'll piss her off. That entire shared experience you three just suffered is something I'd like to avoid for probably ever. Keep your stupid to yourselves. I'd rather not get infected with it."

  Growling, Asher snaps, “You piss her off more than us, asshole.”

  I slam the door as soon as I'm inside my room and then release the laugh I've been withholding for far too long. My chest actually started to hurt from how hard I restrained myself. How the hell did I get here? How is this my reality now?

  Rubbing my hand over my forehead as soon as my laughter fades, I make my way to my closet to find some pants. When I heard them whispering, I decided to investigate. I didn't even think to put on pants before leaving the room. I don’t even have it in me to be embarrassed over standing in the middle of the room in nothing but panties and a hoodie.

  I find a pair of fishnet tights and black jeans riddled with aesthetic tears and pull them both over my legs, one after the other. My cropped shirt and high waisted pants leave a sliver of skin between them, showing off the pretty pattern that's stitched into the band of my tights, and it reminds me of the pattern in the new table.

  Feeling like myself for the first time in two long-ass weeks, I smile into the mirror that hangs behind the door. It doesn't reach my eyes, but that's fine. It just feels good to be me again.

  Dressed, I snatch a pair of black ankle socks from my drawer, pluck my black suede ankle boots off their shelf, and walk out of my closet. I don't get far because there's suddenly a redheaded angel tackling me to the frigging bed like he's a pro footballer all of a sudden. My boots go flying in one direction, my socks in the other, and I land on my bed with an oomph.

  Eli lands on top of me, caging me effectively on the bed. The shock dies quickly, and as he rises to look down at me, I ask, "Have you been waiting there the entire time?"

  His eyes narrow on me. "No, took me some time to get off the floor. Thanks for that, by the way."

  A bark of laughter escapes me, causing him to roll his eyes even when his lips twitch like they want to join in on my hysterics. When my laughter dies down, my mouth pulls up in a smirk, and I tell him, "You're welcome. Anytime."

  "I'll pass. I don't want to experience that ever again," he tells me with a dramatic shudder.

  I shrug. "Then maybe next time you won't think like a dumbass and keep stuff from me."

  He's still straddling my waist, his elbows resting beside my head as he holds himself above me. "To be fair, that was all done with good intentions. You've had your payback, and we already apologized."

  More laughter breaks free.

  "You didn't apologize. Asher didn't apologize. Noah did. You whined like a bitch while you lay on the floor cupping your balls, and Asher glared at me like he was seconds away from throwing me over his shoulder again. Noah is the only one who said he was sorry," I tell him with a matter-of-fact attitude.

  Eli rolls his eyes, but he leans his chest closer to mine, his head drawing near until his nose brushes mine, and his breath puffs onto my lips. "Luna Grayson, I'm so very deeply sorry for keeping secrets that I should have shared with you. How's that?"

  I bite my lip to keep from smiling. "Terrible. I've heard better. Seems a little patronizing, maybe a little insincere. Could use some work. All in all? I give it a six out of ten."

  He blinks. And then blinks again. "You're impossible, you know that?"

  "Yup. You should already know that by now," I answer, nodding along with my words before ending with a smile. His chocolate brown eyes shine with amusement, and it makes butterflies flutter in my belly.

  All I get is a head shake before he dips his head, and his lips are on mine. His mouth moves in slow, sensual motions, driving me out of my damn mind. When his tongue sneaks out to tangle with mine, I forget all about why I was even pissed at him. This? This is a better apology. Way better.

  My hands lift as though they have a mind of their own, my fingers tangling in the short hair at the back of Eli's head. I draw him closer, earning a deep groan from him. His chest vibrates against mine, the noise sending those pesky butterflies soaring. An ache forms between my legs, causing me to rub my thighs together to ease some of the tension that's built at the apex of my thighs. Damn them for having this kind of effect on me.

  Slowly, Eli pulls away. My mind is hazy, and the dopey grin he's giving me does something funny to my chest.

  "How's that for an apology?" he asks, dropping a brief kiss to my now swollen lips.

  "Much better. You should have started with that," I tell him seriously, raising my head to sneak one more kiss before bucking my hips and shoving him off me.

  He laughs as he falls to the bed, watching me gather my socks and shoes before sitting on the bed, all while he lounges comfortably, safe in the knowledge that he's already forgiven. Jerk.

  "Where are you going?" he asks as soon as I'm finished shoving my feet into my boots.

  I turn my head and tell him, "I'm going to try and find the dog you dummies lost. Wanna come?"

  He cringes in apology before nodding. "Yeah, I'll come. Let's go find Gigantor."

  Chapter 5


  Eli leaves the room before me, waiting on the top stair. As soon as I'm out of the door, he scoops me up into his arms. My legs wrap around his waist automatically, and my arms hook around his neck. "I can walk, you know?"

  "You keep saying that, but this is more fun. Don't you think?" he replies with a wink. He has a point. It also means I don't have to waste energy and walk places. Getting carried by a sexy angel and not having to exercise? Win-win if you ask me.

  Nodding, I tighten my legs around him. "I'm not against not having to put in effort to walk places. You can be my personal carrier."

  He taps my ass twice, gives me a wink, and says, "I'll carry you everywhere, Flower."

  I drop a kiss to his cheek as he carries me down the stairs and into the living room. The new table has been cleared, and Noah is standing at the sink in only his t-shirt and jeans. Asher is sitting on the couch, remote in hand as he flicks through the channels, and Devon is sitting on the floor, sharpening more knives with a pile of already pointed blades piled next to him. Why the hell does he have so many? And why are those chumps letting Noah do the dishes when he cooked?

  Shaking my head at them, I say, "Noah, I would have cleared the table."

  He looks over at me with surprise. The surprise grows when he sees I'm being carried instead of walking like a normal person, so I offer him an awkward smile. I tap Eli on the chest, and he deposits me gently onto the floor. As soon as my feet touch the floor, I go to Noah's side and take the towel o
ff his shoulder.

  "I'll dry while you wash," I tell him, picking up the first plate and drying it quickly.

  "You don't have to do that, Luna. I don't mind doing it," he tells me gently, awkwardly brushing his sun-kissed brunette hair out of his eyes with his arm. His hands are covered in bubbles, so I put the plate down and brush his hair out of his eyes for him. He shivers when the pad of my finger skims the skin of his forehead, and his eyes grow brighter for a brief moment.

  "I know. But you cooked, so it's only fair that someone helps clear things away," I tell him, making my voice louder at the end of my sentence. I peer around Noah and glare at Asher and Devon, who look over at me with innocent expressions. Innocent, my immortal ass.

  I move back and offer Noah a smile. In a bold move, he tucks my slowly drying hair behind my ear before clearing his throat and looking away. "Well, thank you. For the help."

  We both turn back to the sink full of silverware and dishes, continuing with our respective jobs. I bump his hip with mine and tell him, "Thank you for cooking an amazing dinner."

  The grin he gives me is one of those that would have accompanying doves fluttering out of boxes and harps playing in the background. Maybe that's overdoing it, but it does give me serious tingles, my heart sort of sputters in my chest, and I feel the urge to grin back at him like an idiot, so close enough.

  "You're very welcome."

  We continue washing and drying dishes in comfortable silence, bumping each other’s hips every now and then to break up the quiet. As soon as everything is put away, Noah turns to wipe down the dinner table, so I flick his backside with the towel before making my way to the couch where Eli settled while we worked.

  Noah blushes and shakes his head, and I walk away with a more genuine smile. Thoughts of Francis aren't ever too far out of reach, but right now, I feel more myself than I have in weeks. This entire situation is a total disaster, but I know the guys are doing the best. Hell, I've been breaking my damn back looking for the old bat, and I have to have faith that we will find her. The stubborn goat is just making it difficult right now.

  "Okay, you ready to go hunt down an escapee?" I ask Eli, walking around the couch. As soon as I'm in front of him, I turn and fall, dropping into his lap.

  He grunts with the impact, but his arms wrap snugly around me. "Warn a guy next time."

  "Where's the fun in that?" I quip.

  He snorts and pulls me closer. I rest my back against his chest and lean my arm on the armrest of the couch, waiting on a reply about searching for Brutus.

  Instead of getting an answer, Devon asks, "You're going to look for the horse?"

  I give him a bland look and tell him, "Brutus is not a horse. He's a Great Dane who clearly forgot to stop growing. And yes, Eli said he'll come with me to help look for him seeing as though he was the one bested by the giant pup."

  "I didn't say that's why I was going to look for him with you," Eli grumbles from behind me.

  Smiling, I say, "No, but I could see it in your eyes."

  He mutters something I don't catch, but Noah speaks up before I can question the angel I'm using as a chair. "Would it be alright if I came with you to look? I'm feeling somewhat responsible for the dog's disappearance, so I'd like to help if I can."

  Well, there goes my heart, melting into a sappy little puddle on the floor.

  "As much as I'd love the help, I was kind of hoping you, Devon, and Asher would continue searching for Francis today. I'd do it myself, but looking for her and coming up empty all the time is hurting more than I care to admit. I'd rather look for the horse- dog. I'd rather look for the dog," I tell him, cutting a glare at Devon, who looks away and focuses on another blade with twitching lips. Dick.

  Asher nods and says, "That makes sense. We'll look for Ms. Frenchie, and you two look for the dog. Keep your cells on you so we can get in touch if we need you and vice versa."

  I nod and tap Eli on the legs before heaving myself back onto my feet. I feel large hands on my ass, pushing me up with overexaggerated effort.

  I turn and stare at Eli, who shrugs and says, "What? I was helping. I'm nice like that."

  "Why did you make it seem like I was so damn heavy when you carried me down the stairs not even half an hour ago?" I ask, throwing my arms up in exasperation.

  "Payback for falling on me and almost crushing my already sore dick," he tells me as though it's the most reasonable excuse ever. He smiles at me, and his dimples pop out. Not the frigging dimples. There's a gleam of victory in his eyes, and once again, he knows he's already forgiven. Frustrating man.

  "Let's go find that frigging dog," I gripe even while I hold my hand out for him to take. He takes it, pulling himself up without my help, but grips my hand tighter so I can’t slip mine from his.

  Before he can pull me towards the door, I make my way to the back of the couch where Asher sits. I pull my hand from Eli's and put both of them on either side of Asher's head, tilting it until his head drops back onto the headrest of the couch. He opens his mouth, no doubt to ask what I'm doing, but I cut him off with a kiss. My intention is to keep it brief, just as a little goodbye before we go. Asher has other plans. Just as I go to pull away, his large hand reaches up and tangles in the hair at the nape of my neck. Using his hold on me, he draws me closer, his mouth devouring me thoroughly before pulling my head away.

  Whispering against my lips, he says, "I'll see you soon, Peaches."

  I nod with what little room I have to do so and he gives me another kiss that has the toes in my boots curling and a shiver wracking my body. He offers me one last peck before letting my hair go, and I move away, slightly dazed.

  "Come on, Flower. Let's go," Eli says with an amused voice, pulling me away from Asher with a gentle touch. He reclaims my hand and tugs me towards the door.

  Before we leave, I call, "If there are any developments or news, call me! In a while, crocodiles!"

  I receive a chorus of affirmations, so I snatch my keys off the side table and then we're out of the door and clambering down the five flights of stairs that make up my apartment building. Someone should really fix that stupid elevator.

  As soon as we reach Nimbus, my beautifully sleek Dodge Charger, Eli sends me a pleading look. He flutters his eyelashes at me and clasps his hands together in a praying motion. He even goes as far as to push his bottom lip out in a pout.

  "You're not driving my car. Suck it up, buttercup," I tell him with a snort, climbing into the driver’s seat of my baby.

  "I will wear you down if it's the last thing I do. Mark my words, Flower. You'll cave." His determined confidence makes me laugh, but I switch on the radio instead of replying, giving him a wink before driving off in the direction of the first animal shelter I know is nearby.


  "Are you sure you haven't seen him? I mean, he's really hard to miss. He's a Great Dane, after all. He's this high," I tell the receptionist, lifting my hand to my waist before continuing. "His fur is dark, with splotches of brindle coloring throughout. He slobbers a lot, snores real loud, and sucks at chasing squirrels."

  The woman shakes her head, pity filling her gaze. I don't need her pity; I need her to tell me she's seen the frigging dog we've been looking for for the last four long hours. "Sorry, sweetheart. I've never seen a dog like it. We haven't had any pickups of that breed either. I really hope you find him soon. He seems like he means a lot to you."

  I sigh, and my shoulders drop. Eli's arm wraps around me, offering me comfort after the latest dead end. He replies to the woman for me instead, probably realizing I'm close to a breakdown at this point. I don't even hear what he says, nor do I hear her response. I'm beginning to feel truly defeated since the fight in the coffee shop. I've actually lost count of how many shelters, pounds, and even veterinary clinics we've been to in search of a dog that's really hard to miss. Not a single one has seen him.

  My heart feels like it's hurting. As much as I aggravated Francis about the dog, I really do love him. He's harmles
s, and he makes Ms. Frenchie happy. I just like giving her a hard time for having such a huge dog. I miss him almost as much as I miss my best friend. This shit is sucking harder than a vacuum on full power.

  Eli is suddenly steering me away from the front desk of the clinic, rubbing my arm in a comforting gesture. "We'll find him, Luna. I know we will."

  "You can't know that," I reply on another sigh.

  We walk out of the building, and I look up to see the sky slowly darkening, the sun fading away for the night. Four hours and nothing to show for it. Not even a brief sighting or a phone call off someone who's spotted the Scooby-Doo lookalike. It's as though he's taken his owner’s lead and just completely vanished without a trace. How is this even possible? Why is this even happening?

  I groan and drop my head back, scrunching my eyes tightly to stop the stupid tears I can feel pooling under my lids from falling.

  I'm suddenly pulled into a warm embrace, the smell of Eli enveloping me like its very own hug. He hugs me tightly to him, rubbing my back with soothing motions, and says, "I know it sucks right now, but we'll find them both. Don't lose that feisty hope you've had in you, Flower. This is just a hurdle we'll jump over before finding them, okay?"

  I sniffle and nod, my arms coming to wrap around his waist, needing the comfort more than ever right now. This is why I don't make connections or relationships, damn it. It hurts. Bad. I thought I learned my lesson the last time. But did that stop me from caving when Francis bugged the crap out of me until we became friends? Nope. Has it stopped me again with these four angels that have barged into my life with no preamble? Certainly not. Even the dog got under my skin and burrowed into my heart. Ugh.

  "Let's get home and come up with a plan on where to look next, yeah? They have to be around here somewhere."

  Nodding again, I take a deep breath and let go of Eli, wiping under my eyes since I didn't do a very good job at staving off my tears. Francis is so going to pay for making me cry again when we find her.